Monday, December 26, 2016

En Provence Part 5

We Aussies were very lucky to start clue 5 early (if we but realized it was up) . I had mine started and done on the night before christmas eve. which was fortunate as we have had my FIL pass Christmas Eve. So it has been busy here & will be for the next little while.
I am enjoying the mystery & looking forward to seeing my quilt emerge. It's fun & I am enjoying this.
and Lady just woken looking grumpy.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

En Provence pt4

It is sunday here, saturday for those in America. I have completed part 4 - I am only doing half the amount of blocks as I want a smaller quilt so I have an advantage. I am loving those reds I am using.
 and as usual when I am sitting in the lounge writing this my faithful companion Spud was sitting beside me!
I am looking forward to the monday link-up, in 2 days time.  And here is the link back to the monday link up part 4:

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

En Provence - at last

I have done the last 3 Bonnie K. Hunter mysteries & this year is no different. Just running late as I was away visiting family when part 1 came out.
I had decided to do a smaller quilt starting with half of the amount of each of the clues, if I need more after the reveal I can do this.
I wanted a different look to the fabrics so changed most of the colours.
I am using red & coral/orange as my purples, green as my constant, magenta as my green & turquoise as my yellow. As well as the neutrals boring beige maybe but it will give it a lift!
 The Black & whites in the photo will not be included in the quilt I am using beige instead.
Part one Done!
Part two Done!

and Part 3 Done!

Not bad for starting late but easy as I am doing less and am on holiday, progress will be slower after this week, cause it's back to work I go.
And what would my blog be without a cat or two, these are laws & cleopatrick my BIL & SIL's 2 cats. Big beautiful friendly boys both of them. And the link back to Bonnie's Link-up part 3.